"It was mass chaos. It was hysteria. It was, 'Throw the final pitch, see what the umpire calls, look around for any kind of emotion.' Then there was just dog-piling and punching each other. I was told I gave one of the guys a bloody nose. I just kind of lost myself there.”
— Brian Wilson, on the last out of the game
Well deserved, Giants. This was the season! I only wish I had been in San Francisco to celebrate with the rest of the city (:
I'm totally looking forward to seeing more of the Giants next season--especially Brian Wilson. He's such a G.
...Okay, now I can actually start my school work. Yay for having to study for midterms during the World Series!
...Okay, now I can actually start my school work. Yay for having to study for midterms during the World Series!
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