Saturday, December 18, 2010


It's winter break! This is my first extended break since maybe the last winter break? Summer break wasn't really a break because I was in summer school the whole time (note to self: NEVER do multiple summer sessions over the course of a single summer ever again).

This break I plan to sleep in, and most importantly, catch up on my soaps! It's been a good two months since I've watched a full episode of General Hospital. I'm ridiculously behind on any drama that's manifested since!

But having a whole month off of just chilling doesn't seem all that right to me. I don't feel comfortable not doing anything productive. Therefore I will set forth a goal to start studying chem stuff in January. It's been three long years since high school chem, so it's probably in my best interest to brush up on some stuff. I'm totally looking forward to this...not.

Anyhow, I'm home and I see the brother with his awesome Giants cap and it makes me really want one! I'd borrow his, but unfortunately it doesn't fit me. He probably wouldn't let me borrow it even if it did fit...

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