Someone started playing Rebecca Black's "Friday" at the end of chem lecture...totally an appropriate symbol of the start of the weekend and spring break, haha.
Even though break has just begun, I feel as if my brain has been on break since the beginning of the week. I had trouble waking up for class all week. I stopped reading for my classes. I dropped and broke a flask and ended up spilling dilute HCl all over myself in chem lab. School has just been overwhelming and frustrating. Break could not have come at a better time.
As frustrating as this past week may have been, it wasn't all so bad, especially toward the end of the week. I had the opportunity to reconnect with some friends I hadn't hung out with in quite a while. I met up with Jesson and went on a mini excursion to Oakland's Chinatown area to grab lunch at a cute little cafe. We had their famous pulled pork adobo sandwich. I'd never had adobo before and needless to say, I really enjoyed it! On Thursday night, I met up with Deanna and Rick for sushi at Joshu-Ya Sushi. This place has the most extensive specialty sushi menu I have ever seen. We shared some rolls, and had some nice conversations. Hooray for good food and good company!
As for spring break itself (this week), I plan simply to relax and catch up on my schoolwork. I know this isn't really exciting, but hey, it'll do.